Tuesday, December 6, 2011

pengenalan: Novel Lara Dunia

mcm mana nk ckap pada org yg kite suke tu, bahawa kite suke kat dia? hurmm.. susah bukan? tmbh2 lg bile kite xnk laa nnti tidak berbalas pula. so hari ni admin nk bt fan fiction. hehe, dah lme x asah bakat ni jd penulis crite. so, kisah dia mcm ni..

Esya merenung sendirian, mengenangkan nasibnya yang masih belum tentu bernasib baik atau tidak. 

"hurmm.. aku segan lah Jannah.. tak kan aku nak beritahu dia yang aku suka dia?" soal esya pada kawan baik nya, Jannah. 

masih terbenak di fikiran Esya, dulu dia pernah mencuba berkenalan dengan seorang jejaka, Zarul namanya. Zarul, lelaki yang boleh dikatakan mempunyai rupa, pandai, telah berjaya menarik perhatian Esya. kisah perkenalan mereka bermula apabila Esya menyertai pertandingan menulis lirik lagu di tempat belajar nya. 

"Salam, awak peserta tulis lirik lagu bukan?" soal Zarul.

"waalaikumussalam, ya saya. err. anda siapa?" soal Esya

"oh, saya Zarul. orang kuat program ini. saya difahamkan awak memerlukan khidmat bantuan saya. jadi, apa yang boleh saya bantu?" pelawa Zarul

"Ya. begini, saya memerlukan seorang lelaki untuk menjadi pemain watak bila saya membaca lirik lagu saya nanti. kiranya, saya mahu penonton faham apa yang saya cuba sampaikan." terang Esya

"baiklah, saya akan cuba penuhi permintaan awak. cuma seorang sahaje ke? atau ada apa2 hendak tambah?"

"ermm. tidak rasanya. setakat ni, cume itu sahaja. dan kalau boleh, saya mahu dia ada masa saya dalam raptai penuh nanti"

"boleh, baiklah. saya cuba. nanti saya akan minta Amir carikan seorang ahli kami yang sesuai. awak tak kisah kan lelaki macam mana rupa dia?"

"boleh, ya saya tak kisah, asalkan ada. terima kasih ya" ucap Esya

Masih segar di iingatan Esya, tatkala perbualan kali pertama mereka. pada ketika itu, esya masih belum rasa suka pada Zarul. di minda Esya, hanyalah ingin menjadi pemenang pada malam itu. ya, malam itu. bermula lah segalanya. saat Esya sedang menghafal lirik lagu nya, tiba2 Zarul hadir dalam pandangan Esya. memakai baju melayu berkain songket sudah cukup membuat Esya terjatuh hati. kebetulan, Esya turut memakai baju jubah yang dipinjam oleh rakan sebiliknya, Fana. pandangan mata Zarul mula mengekori langkah Esya. dia tidak keruan. dia mula gemuruh dan cuba menghafal lirik lagunya. namun seketika kemudian, Zarul menghampiri Esya lalu memperkenalkan seorang jejaka kepadanya. 

"Awak, ini Amir, dia bakal menjadi pelakon tambahan awak malam ini"

"oh, Amir. saya Esya, peserta bakat lirik lagu. saya mengharapkan kerjasama awak untuk membantu saya malam ini."

"baiklah, saya cuba buat yang terbaik. jadi apa yang harus saya lakonkan nanti?" soal Amir

Esya menerangkan pada Amir mengenai hasil gubahan lirik lagu yang ditulisnya. Amir cuba mendalami watak yang diiinginkan oleh Esya. sekilas, mata Esya asyik mencari kelibat Zarul. di lihatnya, dia sedang sibuk menjaga program tersebut. akhirnya, Zarul berjaya menangkap pandangan Esya. kali ini giliran Zarul untuk merenung Esya. dia seolah2 terpegun dengan Esya malam itu. sedangkan, Esya tidak lah menarik bagi pandangan lelaki kerana, dia tidak lah cantik mahupun ayu. dia hanya wanita biasa. tiada yang istimewa mengenai dirinya. tambahan pula, bentuk badan nya yang gempal dan berisi, membuatkan dirinya tidak menjadi buruan kaum lelaki. dia dengan gemuruh, cuba melarikan pandangan tersebut. 

"mintak2 dia tak nampak. adoi malunya" rintih Esya sendirian

malam itu, Esya telah berjaya memenangi tempat pertama dan dia menerima hadiah berupa trofi kemenangan dan sijil penyertaan. Esya sangat gembira. dia menangis kerana tidak mampu menahan perasaan, sambil ditemani Jannah.

"Jann, aku menang Jann! aku berjaya!! alhamdulillah"

"tahniah Sya. aku tahu kau mesti boleh punya! kau kena belanja aku ni"

"yela2, lepas ni kita pergi makan dekat kedai makan kuning yang biasa tu. malam ni aku belanja kau. okay?"

"orait! eh, mana kamera kau? mari sini aku ambil kan gambar. saat2 manis ni mestilah dirakam dalam sebuah kenangan"

"err, Jann. kejap ya. aku nak jumpa seseorang kejap. 5 minit! nanti kita ambil gambar ya?"

dalam dewan itu, dia cuba meninjau dan mencari Zarul. dengan harapan, ingin berterima kasih kerana telah membantunya. namun hampa. Zarul masih sibuk menguruskan tetamu VIP malam itu dengan mempelawa mereka ke jamuan makan. 

"awak, boleh tak nanti awak tolong cakap pada Zarul, terima kasih banyak2 sebab dah tolong saya?"

"baik lah, nanti saya sampaikan" ujar seorang AJK program tersebut.

"aku suka dia" ujar Esya seorang diri

tiga hari kemudian, seperti biasa, Esya akan berjalan2 dengan Jann, untuk mencari santapan tengah hari. ketika itu, Esya terpegun melihat keindahan alam semesta ciptaan Nya. 

"cantik nya langit hari ini! cuaca sangat baik!"

tiba2, sebuah motorsikal yang dinaiki dua orang datang menghampiri Esya. 

"eh eh eh.. nasib tak langgar" ujar Zarul

"eh awak! hai" sapa Esya dengan senyuman

"eh awak! hai.." jawab Zarul juga berbalas senyuman

pertemuan mereka pada ketika itu seolah2 dirahmati kerana cuaca yang sangat baik pada masa itu. Esya lalu cepat2 ke medan selera kerana dia segan dengan tindakan cuai nya yang hampir dilanggar oleh Zarul.

"aduhai, kenapa lah aku ni cuai sangat?! malu nya aku tadi.."

"itu lah kau. duk mengadap langit tu lagi. haa, nasib baik dia tak langgar kau." tegur Jannah pada Esya

akan bersambung....

Sunday, November 20, 2011

jatuh cinta??? ke terjatuh cinta?? 0.o

apa anda akan lakukan bila anda sedar bahawa anda telah jatuh cinta pada seseorang?

1) cuba dekati diri dia
2) mintak no fon dia
3) mintak kwn anda jd spy dia
4) trus terang ckap, "hai, sy nak kenal dgn awk boleh?"
5) senyum setiap kali terserempak dgn dia
6) stalk laman sosial dia (fb/ twitter/ myspace/ blog (ade ke?!)
7) teropong ke bilik dia
8) ketahui jadual kelas dia pastu buat2 byk kali teserempak dgn dia
9) berkwn baik dgn kwn2 dia
10) mesej dia sehari 14 kali atau lebih dr itu

okay, semua di atas mungkin pernah dilakukan oleh anda kan? well, it's normal laa. sb tu org ckap, cinta itu buta. tp kalu btul anda sudah suka pada seseorang, kaji selidik dahulu samada dia single atau x. mungkin anda akn ckap, "alah, zmn skrg mane kisahnya single ke, duda ke. yg penting aku dpt.". tp, cuba letak diri anda dlm situasi ini. mesti sedih kan bile ade yg cuba rampas pasangan anda? jd, fikir2 lah. 

mesti anda tertanya2, admin pernah x jatuh cinta?? bohong lah kalu ckap x pernah kan. walau se complete mana pun anda, mesti ade sekali dua anda terjatuh cinta. pernah. dan, pernah juga berharap bahawa dia lah putera yg di cari2 selama ni. tp kdg2, mungkin belum tiba lg masa dan jodoh yg sesuai, jd hubungan itu x ke mana.

jd, sini admin nk share sikit. kalu dah jatuh cinta, pertama. mungkin kita akan jd agak 'clumsy' dpn org yg kita suka (pernah terjd pd admin dua menjak ni). tp kalu itu diri anda, tunjuk kan saja. x perlu selindung yg anda ni cool. biar dia nampak bahawa kita memang suka dia. okay, mungkin anda akn ckap, "admin. agk2 ler sekali pun. klu pempuan bt cmtu, x ke nmenye perigi cari timba?". okay. kata anda memang betul. tp, sdgkn istri Nabi pun dtg sndri meminang Nabi, jd apa salah nya? mungkin anda akn ckap, x manis di pandang. x betul, sb kalu pempuan itu x buat sesuatu yg x senonoh, jd, ape yg x manis nya?

kedua, mungkin anda pernah ter silap hantar msej ayt yg menunjuk kn anda suka dia. okay, if benda ni terjd, biarkan saja. bila anda terserempak dgn dia lagi, buat seperti biasa. jd diri anda. jgn pula anda menyamar jd org lain. dari situ dia sudah tahu anda bagaimana. 

ketiga, cuba kenali diri dia. tahu apa dia suka, apa yg dia x suka. andai kata dia x pernah call atau mesej anda. hmm.. mungkin dia belum bersedia utk menghadapi hubungan yg lebih mendalam. atau. mungkin dia lebih suka anda ckap dpn, dari mesej.

akhir sekali, admin nak pesan. if anda jatuh cinta, jgn lupa pada Dia. Dia akn tlg kita. berdoa lah pd Dia, semoga putera/puteri yg anda jumpa itu adalah jodoh anda. dan berdoalah semoga hubungan anda dan dia di rahmati serta berpanjangan. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011




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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

pabila ada yang kata student hanya tahu enjoyy???!!!

td tserempak ng mkck x waras. pjge die ckp. mkck tu cikgu mase dulu2. kiranya dia jd gila sb tlampau byk belajar. haih. ada betul juga. dah byk kali jumpa ng org gila sb stress belajar saja. jadi. kalu student tu enjoy tp time belajar dia belajar. dan kalu student tu x penah ponteng kelas smata2 nak enjoy. dan ujung minggu baru keluar g jalan. dan mase dpt carry mark student itu dpt mrkh plg tinggi. dan. mase buat presentation dlm kelas student tu plg bgus present. x salah kan enjoyyy? jadi jangan nak cakap. student hanya tahu enjoy saja. kami tahu tanggungjawab kami. kami bukan sekadar enjoy. bila belajar kami belajar. bila dlm kelas kami fokus. faham??!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


when you read the title, as you are the k-pop fans, what will you feel? mad? angry? nuts?


I just laughed and laughed.

Why I laughed? well obviously, I admit, people loves k-pop so much nowadays. but, it does not mean that we @ k-pop fans, will suicide our self. HAHAHA. I laughed again. durrrh. LOL!

Okay, so this is my opinion, againts the title. The title, is from one of the Malay newspaper, and the main point in the news is, teenagers will suicide themselves because of too obsess with k-pop music. HAHAHA. again, I laughed. =.=

So here, I copy from others, the newspaper show the content of the title
below, is, today newspaper. if you not understand in Malay, I will translate to you.

I do not agree with the reporters. Again, I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH IT.

So, lets us go to the next topic. Actually, yes, we as a k-pop fans, will use our money in order to buy merchandise or tickets. But, Is there any problem with it? Well, as for myself, I do not use any money from my parents to buy the merchandise. In fact, I before this has worked as a clerk, and the salary I received, I use it. So let me ask you again, is there any problem with it?

At first, I do not understand. The reporters totally blame all teenagers. But, do the reporters ever know that, almost 95% of teenagers in Malaysia, is addicted with western world? For example, Lady Gaga. Who in this world did not know her? I bet, majority of teenagers are more influence by Hollywood, and it is not k-pop.

Well, if they or we obsessed with k-pop, I don't think that is a problem. If k-pop music is much more quality compare to Malay song, do you will choose the Malay song? I do not mean to bash, Malay song. I do not say that I don't listen to Malay song. As matter of facts, I love to hear it. But if we compare, the music, the artist, totally different, as what I mean, the QUALITY. 

So, after you read this, think by yourself. I do not ask you to join us as a k-pop fans. But, to think wisely. Everyone has their own rights to do what they want. As long as it did not break the rules. Lastly, I believes, there is no such thing about WE SUICIDE OUR SELF BECAUSE OF AN OBSESSION WITH KOREA MUSIC. I f there are teenagers suicide, it maybe cause of they have their own problem. K-pop is not the factors. What is more important is, the parent should be more  responsible. the teacher should teach and give a right education. The environment should be safety for the teenager.

This is my opinion. If you disagree with it, I do not care.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

final examination is around the corner!! =.=

Read the title, obviously, and definitely I will talk about final exam. well actually, yes. I'm in middle of final examination week. but what am I doing right now? playing with my lappy. uhuk! I wanna cry. I could not study! I do not have a spirit of having a final exam! help me please.. T_T

I had read one of my friend blogs, a strategy for last minute study. I read and finally found out that, he was using a mind mapping and presentation technique. the thing is, the techniques will need to demonstrate in a group. so, one person will present about other topic, and then the other person will talk about the other topic. For my opinion, I think it is really great idea. since it use the mind mapping concept and they will need to present the topic in a group.

But then, my problem is, I do not have any group discussion! So how am I gonna use the techniques? I'm afraid of failure. I don't want to repeat my paper... wuaaaaa.. I'm in my dilemma. At this time, my mind is blank and I always feel sleepy. Study in degree is really different compare to study in diploma. Yes, I can feel it. 24 hours in a day is not enough for me. And a lot of barriers keep coming into my life. I feel so horrible. I am down. Frustration a little bit. My mind are set to study in last minute preparations. I could not study at  the beginning. My mind will start to be in focus 3 days before my paper. Are you insane?! 3 days before final exam??! To cover 13 chapters??!! omo.... what should I do.?? ottokhe.. T_T (crying in my loneliness)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

cats and loves

do you love cat? or do you are a cats lover? well I am. hehe I wanna share with you my cats. I love cat since I was in the school. before this, I can't pet a cat, because my father dislike it. when I saw a cat at the street, I will call it and play with it. well, now I already has cats. why do I mention 'cats'? well, because, I has 12 cats. yup, believe me. ^^

well, I will share with you, my first cat. I still fresh in my mind, the day, I went back home, and suddenly saw a box in front of my door house. at first, I did see the contents, as I thought, it was an empty box. but then, when I was swept at the porch, I heard baby cats crying. 'miaw miaw' sounds like that. then I look everywhere to find the cats. later, I saw in the box, a mother cat with 3 little kittens. oh soo cute! I've shouted and asked my parent, about the cats. yet, my mom said, the mother cat came to our house 3 days ago, and she deliver the babies in front of our door house. so, my dad said, he felt pity, therefore he pet the cat. I felt so great full and thanks to my parent. starting that day, I always took care of the mother and the kittens.

above, is my first cats. since that day, I asked my mom to buy cats cage, because, there was a bad cat, want to eat the kittens! later, my mom brought one to them.

after that, I put the cats in the cage. I was weird at my cat. the mother seem dose not like stay in the cage. later, I searched in the internet, and found out that, a mother after delivery kitten, would hide their bby because a male cat, will come and eat fresh meat bby. therefore, a mother will find a place where human cannot see their bby. this is for the bby safety. but still, I put them int he cage, and on top the cage, I cover with a big fabric cotton. the cage became dark, and the mother like it.

after a week, the kittens started to walk slowly and play together with their mother. I saw that mother watched her kitten and took care of them. I gave cats food to the mother, and cats milk to the kitten. I also bathe the mother.

this is Gebu, second born, female. :)

this is Ithumb, the youngest, male. :)

 this is comel, first born, male. :)

I called them, Comel, Gebu and Ithumb. the most kitten I loves is Ithumb, the youngest one. he so naughty and cute. he has zorro mask at his face. kekeke

but then, I went back to my college. after 3 months, I went home, I found out that Ithumb died bitten by the dog. while Comel also died, because of car violated it. I was sad, cried and miss them so much. this is their pic before they died. after a day, Ithumb died, suddenly, there was 1 kitten, came to my house. the cat looks like Ithumb, but yet, it was not Ithumb. so I took it, and pet it. I gave her name, 'Tam'

but after 2 weeks the mother was pregnant again. later, she deliver 4 cute babies.

I gave their name, putih, tompok, chicky and belang. but later, tompok was kidnapped. I was sad, and mad with the kidnapper. when I look at chicky, I will miss Ithumb, because they resemble each other. the differnt is, chicky is a female. I was shocked, when mother cat, does not want to care off Gebu anymore. every time Gebu came to her, the mother will shout and mad at her. yet I knew, it is because, Gebu still want to drink mother's milk. but at that time, there are 4 babies to feed. therefore, I gave Gebu milk powder. I pity Gebu, since she lost her little sister and brother.

my mom started to buy things for cat. she also buy another 2 cages for the cats. later, the mother cats pregnant again and delivered 4 little kittens. this time, I dunno what name should I gave, therefore, I did not gave a name to them. but later, 1 died, because of bad health since the day he born. 3 was give to my mom friends. later, the kittens are exchange with another 2 cats, which is Pearl and Snowy. Pearl is female cat while Snowy is male persian cat. as usual, the mother mad and try to expel the cats.

after almost 3 months, my mom bought another 2 cats which is Preety and Putera. the two of them are American Wirehair breeds. both are female and male. 

 later, Pearl was pregnant, and delivered 5 cute kittens during hari raya festival. I watched Pearl delivered the bby. not only that, I also support Pearl, "push push!" kekeke. 

 after around 3 months later, my mom bought another kitten, which is I called 'Suci', an orange persian kitten breeds. when my mom bought it, she was only 1 month old. she is so cute, and yet too much noise, haha. she will shout and make a sound if she want some thing. and now, she 3 months already.

a few days ago, when I went back home, I heard from my mom, Pearl was died because of sickness. I was sad, and yet, her kitten left alone with snowy. I hope, Suci and the kittens will stay healthy forever. I love them so much. :)