Sunday, April 24, 2011


when you read the title, as you are the k-pop fans, what will you feel? mad? angry? nuts?


I just laughed and laughed.

Why I laughed? well obviously, I admit, people loves k-pop so much nowadays. but, it does not mean that we @ k-pop fans, will suicide our self. HAHAHA. I laughed again. durrrh. LOL!

Okay, so this is my opinion, againts the title. The title, is from one of the Malay newspaper, and the main point in the news is, teenagers will suicide themselves because of too obsess with k-pop music. HAHAHA. again, I laughed. =.=

So here, I copy from others, the newspaper show the content of the title
below, is, today newspaper. if you not understand in Malay, I will translate to you.

I do not agree with the reporters. Again, I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH IT.

So, lets us go to the next topic. Actually, yes, we as a k-pop fans, will use our money in order to buy merchandise or tickets. But, Is there any problem with it? Well, as for myself, I do not use any money from my parents to buy the merchandise. In fact, I before this has worked as a clerk, and the salary I received, I use it. So let me ask you again, is there any problem with it?

At first, I do not understand. The reporters totally blame all teenagers. But, do the reporters ever know that, almost 95% of teenagers in Malaysia, is addicted with western world? For example, Lady Gaga. Who in this world did not know her? I bet, majority of teenagers are more influence by Hollywood, and it is not k-pop.

Well, if they or we obsessed with k-pop, I don't think that is a problem. If k-pop music is much more quality compare to Malay song, do you will choose the Malay song? I do not mean to bash, Malay song. I do not say that I don't listen to Malay song. As matter of facts, I love to hear it. But if we compare, the music, the artist, totally different, as what I mean, the QUALITY. 

So, after you read this, think by yourself. I do not ask you to join us as a k-pop fans. But, to think wisely. Everyone has their own rights to do what they want. As long as it did not break the rules. Lastly, I believes, there is no such thing about WE SUICIDE OUR SELF BECAUSE OF AN OBSESSION WITH KOREA MUSIC. I f there are teenagers suicide, it maybe cause of they have their own problem. K-pop is not the factors. What is more important is, the parent should be more  responsible. the teacher should teach and give a right education. The environment should be safety for the teenager.

This is my opinion. If you disagree with it, I do not care.


  1. saye stuju ngn akak...serius..saye marah giler bile bace article nih..!!!

  2. surat khabar ari ni?org yg xde tamadun aje yg akn ckp cam2.smuanye tpulang pd diri kite..masing2 ade agama n ade pegangan...n masing2 ade akal so blh fikir sndri b'baloi ke nk bunuh diri sbb artis kpop??kite minat kpop bkn sbb kite minat dorg b'sebab..kang kalo kite senarai smua sebab knp kite minat artis kpop kang mau 1 malaysia ni panas punggung x sdp duduk t'utama artis2 malaysia n dorg yg tlalu benci kpop..mslhnye kite yg minat kpop ni yg dorg nk kondem2 sgt apsal..dorg yg minat justin beiber n artis2 hollywood,hindustan 2 xde lak dorg nk kondem2???nmpk sgt berat sblh...

  3. nisha: tq for ur comment. yep, mse mule2 bce, tkezut kejap. tdiam n tpk. last2 akk gelak, hahaha. lucu aa reporter kite ni. nk cari publisiti yg sgt murah. rsenye dah xde modal laa tu nk cereka n ceciter. k-pop jugak yg dipersalahkn. =.=

  4. k ain: tq kak for ur comment. yep, surat khbr hari ni. btul, sokong ng akk. remaja yg cube bunuh diri ni disebabbkn kurang pendidikn agama. so, bkn slh kpop. hbis tu budaya barat yg semakin menular, dan lg lgu2 barat byk unsur lucah, agama tu? knp x bash pulak? rsenye kes bunuh diri lebih byk di Amerika. dorg xpatot salahkn kite as a kpop fans ni. ape yg patot dorg bt, amek iktibar. selidik mane dtg puncanye. mgkn remaja yg bunuh diri tu ade mslh sndri die. ok klu nk ckp, remaja yg bunuh diri tu kpop fans, kite bole trime. tp jgn nk slhkn music kpop punca utama die. sepatotnye buat research dahulu, n then tunjuk bukti. haha sy yg minat kpop ni bkn sb sy xsuke lgu melayu. tp sb lgu kpop lebih bagus dari lgu kite. tp x bmksd sy x dgr lgsg lgu melayu. oh plizz lah reporter, kaji selidik dulu b4 nk bash okay.

  5. Unnie, I am totally agree with you ! Kenapa ada je yg nak salah kan K-Pop ? Padahal artis hollywood tu lagi lah terdedah sana sani tak nak pulak dorang kecoh2. I am totally pissed off ouh !

  6. farah: yes dear, tq for ur comment. I think, setelah merenung n memikirkn, reporter tu nyampah ng k-pop kot. thats y lah kan die asyik nk bash n slhkn k-pop. tp pcaye la. reporter tu mesti ade lgu omputih dlm hp die. so, die xley nk bash omputih kan. hummph.

  7. agree . qila sentap gila baca bnde ni . local music tak laku , that's y la . dulu time lagu indo masuk Malaysia , dorang ckp itu la ini la . time KPOP pong dorang buat mcm ni . kenapa tme english tak muncul ? sbb dorng takut kena banned . reporter tak alert ke , yg KPOP company ni suka samansaman org ? jangan la Malaysia kena banned sudah -,-

  8. aqilah: tq for ur comment. hahaha. btul2, kalau jyp, rain bce news tu, confirm saman!. tp nsb bk laa dorg x phm bhs mlyu. tp kalu gune google translate, or some fans translate, I bet, ternganga lah cmpny newspaper tu. jgn ingt dorg x ley nk saman u all okay. esp sme yg tkenal dgn saman menyaman. Lol! so penyudahnye, jgn buat cereka sekadar nak menyedapkan rase. memg newspaper korg laku, tp sekadar laku kerana brite hangit n dongeng semata2! lebih baik laku brite yg sah, kukuh dan diterima pandangan masyarakat.
